Kuroiwa Onikenbai (performance at the folk performing art-themed izakaya"Onikenbai" (February 22, 2025)
On February 22, 2025, I traveled to Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture, to watch the Kuromori Kagura tour . After that, I finally visited the folk performing arts-themed izakaya, Oni Kenbai Kitakami Branch(郷土芸能居酒屋 鬼剣舞) , which I had been wanting to go to for a long time. That night, there was a performance by the Kuroiwa Oni Kenbai Preservation Society(黒岩鬼剣舞保存会). the folk performing arts-themed izakaya, Oni Kenbai Kitakami Branch Kuroiwa Oni Kenbai Preservation Society Performance Record Watch on YouTube Program: 0:00 Tori > Sanban-niwa 9:12 Katana Kenbai no Kurui 13:17 Zenmai & Chu-gaeri 21:35 Sannin Kago It was my first time visiting Izakaya Oni Kenbai. At first, I considered just walking in, but I decided to make a reservation in advance, which turned out to be the right choice. That evening, the restaurant was nearly full, and although there were various seating options, some seats didn't seem to have a good view of the stage. I was relieved that I had reserved a seat befor...